Farmotabs is the ideal site if you want to learn new tunes with your diatonic harmonica or to find didactic exercises. All in harmonica tabs including rhythm!
A tablature contains more information than a score.
It is written by one harmonica player for another harmonica player. It shows you how to play a melody on your instrument.
The tabs are separated in 4 levels
You'll find some Combos including 4, 5 or 6 tunes each with the corresponding videotabs.
I use a new kind of tabs VERY simples that include rhythm.
6 easy tabs and 6 videotabs to help you to play the tunes.
The american trad. "AMAZING GRACE" in 12th position,
the Stephen Foster "CAMPTOWN RACES" in 1st pos, the french trad. "FRÈRE JACQUES" in 1st pos,
the american spiritual "OH WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHIN' IN" in 1st pos,
the english trad. "SCARBOROUGH FAIR" in 3rd pos and
a "12 BARS BLUES Nº9645 BLUES BASS" in 2nd pos.
All these tabs are for beginners and without bends.
5 medium tabs and 5 videotabs to help you to play the tunes.
The american trad "DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE" in 2nd position,
"WILL THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN" in 2nd position,
the american spiritual "OH WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHIN' IN" in 2nd position,
"SAINT LOUIS BLUES" in 2nd position and the XIXth century spiritual "THE BATTLE OF JERICHO" in 3rd position.
All these tabs are intended for average beginners and contains bends.

4 tabs and 4 videotabs
How to play THE 7 MAJOR SCALE'S MODES and how to play all THE ARPEGGI OF THE MAJOR SCALE'S MODES. To practice the major scale , THE MAJOR SCALE EXERCISE Nº1 and the THE MAJOR SCALE EXERCISE Nº2 . With the 4 videotabs to help you to play the exercises with a harmonica in key of C. It contains bends

13 tabs and 12 videotab
Here is the game: how to play THE 12 DIFFERENT MAJOR SCALES with only one harmonica in key of C and 12 DIFFERENT TABS TO PLAY FRÈRE JACQUES, a very simple tune in C major. Why 12 tabs? To play the same melody in C with 12 different key of harmonica. Don´t forget that it is a tab so if you don't have the 12 harmonicas in the 12 keys, you can still practice with just one . Frère Jacques is a French nursery rhyme traditionally sung in a round. It contains bends and overbends.


Didactic Combos
9 tabs (5 hard tabs and 4 expert tabs) and 9 videotabs to help you to play the tunes.
The B. Smith hit "BABY WON'T YOU PLEASE COME HOME" in 2nd position,
the Gershwin's song "THE MAN I LOVE" in 1st position,
"SWEET GEORGIA BROWN" in 2nd position,
"TWELVE BARS BLUES Nº13849" in 1st position and
"MON HOMME" in 3rd position sung by E. Piaf and B. Holyday (MY MAN).
These tabs are intended for average beginners and contains bends and a few overbends.
The jazz standard "ALL OF ME" in 12th position,
"GNOSSIENNE Nº1" composed by E. Satie, here in 4th pos,
a twelve bars blues "12 BARS BLUES Nº12748" in 2nd pos, and
the F. Chopin's "Valse de l'adieu" WALTZ IN Ab MAJOR op. 69 nº1 in 1st pos.
These tabs are for advanced players and content bends and overbends.
Farmotabs is a virtual library of diatonic harmonica tabs, which include rhythm and all you need to play your favorite tunes. Now, you can get these tabs and choose songs adapted to your level, in the style of music that you like!